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Calm Sea


La Autoridad de Agua y Alcantarillado de South Granville (SGWASA) se dedica a brindar servicios de agua y alcantarillado de alta calidad a los residentes y empresas del condado de South Granville.

Al hacer negocios con SGWASA, los proveedores, contratistas y subcontratistas afirman que, a la fecha de la orden de compra, no figuran y no utilizarán un subcontratista incluido en la Lista de desinversión final creada por el Tesorero del Estado de Carolina del Norte de conformidad con NCGS 143-6A-4, Certificación de desinversión de Irán.

Condiciones del proveedor

  1. Original Invoice with remittance slip must be sent to:
    South Granville Water and Sewer Authority
    415 Central Avenue
    Suite B
    Butner, NC 27509

  2. Payment may be expected within 30 days of receipt of goods and invoice.

  3. C.O.D. shipment will not be accepted. 

  4. Purchase Order Numbers must appear on all shipping containers, packing slips and invoices. Failure to comply with this request may delay payment.

  5. All goods are to be shipped F.O.B. Destination unless otherwise stated.

  6. All materials and services are subject to approval based on the description on the purchase order.

  7. Substitutions are not permitted without approval from SGWASA.

  8. Material not approved will be returned at no cost to SGWASA.

  9. All goods and equipment must meet or exceed all necessary city, state and federal standards and regulations.

  10. Vendor or manufacturer bears risk of loss or damage until property is received and/or installed.

  11. Seller acknowledges that the buyer is an equal opportunity employer.

  12. Seller will comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws and regulations.

  13. SGWASA is not exempt from federal excise and state tax.

Dollar Bills
logotipo de sgwasa

Autoridad de agua y alcantarillado del sur de Granville

415 Avenida Central, Suite B

Butner, Carolina del Norte 27509




(919) 575-3367






(919) 575-4547



Mapa SIG

Ofertas abiertas

Portal de pago



Contacto del personal

nuevos clientes

Clientes existentes

© Derechos de autor
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