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Existing Customer Forms
Customer service forms for existing customer billing services are available below. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the information.
SGWASA accepts cash, checks, cashier's checks, credit card, or debit card payments via our administrative office at 415 Central Avenue, Suite B in Butner, NC 27509.

Please select and complete this form to grant someone other than you, access to the information on your account
Form to be completed if you want to have your monthly water bill debited from your bank account when the customer CAN NOT come into the office and show identification
Form to be completed if you want to have your monthly water bill debited from your bank account
Form for Customer to stop draft payments
Form to be used when requesting a water usage leak adjustment
Form to be used when requesting special fee-based services such as:
Meter Report
Meter Re-Read
Multiple Trip to Connect/Disconnect Meter
Temporary Disconnection of Service
Reinstallation of Water Meter
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