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Consumer Confidence Report

In compliance with both federal and state regulations, The South Granville Water & Sewer Authority routinely conducts rigorous testing of the water provided to our customers. SGWASA is pleased to present the 2024 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, which covers all monitoring activities spanning from January 1st to December 31st, 2024.

There were no water violation reported within the South Granville Water & Sewer Authority's 2024 Consumer Confidence Report.

Detailed information regarding the water composition of your drinking water is included in the report, with a focus on the chemical and physical properties that may be present. The report compares the results of our water quality testing to the standards established by federal and state regulatory agencies. This ensures that the water meets all required safety thresholds for human consumption.

SGWASA remains dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of water quality and continues to uphold transparency and accountability in all our operations. We encourage all customers to review the full report for a deeper understanding of the water quality standards we adhere to.


Lake Holt - SGWASA water source
Lake Holt - SGWASA water source

Get involved with water issues. Contact the water plant at (919) 575-3118 for information. 

Check your plumbing for leaks and fix them. Use water for irrigation only in the early morning or late evening. 

Be environmentally conscious around the lake. Try to prevent oil and fuel spills while boating. Minimize pet waste to the lake. 

More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791. 


Issued 3/18/25 by the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority 

Krystle Lee, PIO/Board Secretary/Webmaster

(919) 575-3367

Jonathan Yancey, Water Treatment Plant Superintendent

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