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West F Street - Planned Repairs

Updated: 2 days ago

Butner, NC. February 17, 2024 — Planned service repairs have been scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 8:30 AM on West F Street in Butner, NC- near the intersection of 12th Street. SGWASA utility crews have experienced multiple utility issues stemming from the worn valve. 

The repair process will result in pressure loss for customers from the 600 block of 12th Street to G Street and all West F Street customers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are working diligently to minimize the impact on water service.

SGWASA utility crews estimate a duration of one to two hours for the repair process.


Issued 2/17/25 by the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority 

Krystle Lee, PIO/Board Secretary/Webmaster

(919) 575-3367

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