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Customer Support

SGWASA is here for you. This Customer Support page provides quick access to the information most requested by our customers.


The curated information highlighted on this page is based on questions frequently posed by the community and analytics pulled from website searches.


Support Amidst Progress

Upon acquiring the current water and sewer system, the South Granville Water & Sewer Authority faced the challenge of improving aging infrastructure. The initial approach prioritized rapid responses to patch problems as they arose.


To revitalize the water system, SGWASA's Board approved a research-based approach in 2018. This initiative focused on identifying system needs and implementing cutting-edge solutions, including advanced technology, reliable materials, modern alert systems, and expert leadership.​


The next steps piloted the path to progress. 

SGWASA's revitalization project is progressing steadily under the guidance of Executive Director Scott N. Schroyer. The Authority is successfully implementing upgrades, advancements, and financial strategies to modernize the region's water and sewer system.


This project will mitigate the natural effects of aging infrastructure and ensure the region's water and sewer systems are resilient for years to come.


SGWASA is building a sustainable future by setting clear goals and incorporating research data into our planning processes.



Water Quality Questionnaire 

SGWASA is happy to support the community with researching water quality concerns that may arise, even if the source of the concern is from a residential line issue. In the event that the source of the water quality issue is found to stem from the utility service lines, our team of engineers, utility members, and inspectors are positioned to support the repair process.


Please begin by completing the established Water Quality Questionnaire form designed to provide rapid coordination of support for the residents of Granville County. 

Construction work planning


Construction Impact Schedules (Coming Soon)

As the Authority embraces several major projects synonymously, there may be certain impacts experienced within the isolated construction and service zones. SGWASA will work closely with the partnering construction and engineering contractors to alert neighborhoods on the specific commercial and residential zones that will be affected.


Explore the button below to learn more about current project schedules.



Community Information Spotlight

The South Granville Water & Sewer Authority understands that some questions may not require a full meeting or lengthy email chain, we are here to help. Submit your community question below for consideration to be highlighted for the monthly news spotlight.

Information will be supplied surrounding that subject and focus for the month on all media platforms, communications, and in the SGWASA Welcome Center for ease of access. 


Utility Alerts

Stay informed with the South Granville Water & Sewer Authority. Sign up for alerts and updates by clicking to register using the button below.

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