Water Meter Replacement Program
SGWASA removed 500+ manual read water meters and replaced them with new SGWASA standard (dual AMR/AMI capable) water meter in various areas throughout the SGWASA service area – including Creedmoor. The meters were installed by SGWASA crews. ​
Recent Utility Update:
Gallery images represent Phase 2 of the Chemical Tank Replacement Project. Three of the four chemical tanks were installed on September 10th. The final is expected later this week.
SGWASA has approximately 6,600 water meters in its service area. The water meters are comprised of varying makes, models, ages, and read types (manual and automatic). The conglomeration of non-standardized water meters across the SGWASA service area places SGWASA in a demanding situation when it comes to reading meters, updating meters, replacing meters, etc. SGWASA has fallen short in reaching its goal (established in 2009) of replacing/upgrading all the water meters on a 10-year cycle.

The upgraded meters provide SGWASA with the ability to collect the meter information via a radio receiver versus a manual reading. This upgrade has provided SGWASA with a more accurate and efficient way of reading water meters. This project cost SGWASA $222,453.00 for the meters.
To further modernize SGWASA’s system-wide water meters, a water meter upgrade program is needed in the SGWASA/City of Creedmoor Service Area. The SGWASA/City of Creedmoor Service Area contains 2,200+ water meters. To date, only a few hundred water meters have been updated by SGWASA staff. With the remaining water meter replacement count to be around 2,000 meters, staff prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) to collect proposals for water meter removal and installation. This project is identified in the SGWASA FY23-33 CIP as PID# 102-05 at a cost of $1,000,000.