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$5 Million Allocation

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

The North Carolina General Assembly allocated a $5 million appropriation to the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority in support of utility system improvement plans currently on the organization’s project schedule. SGWASA’s Board, Executive Director, and Engineering team performed expansive research and budget analyses gearing-up for several major Capital Improvement Projects needed to upgrade the current infrastructure. To lighten the burden of infrastructure improvement costs being transferred to Granville County Residents, Representative Frank Sossamon and Representative Matthew Winslow lead in securing the critical funding to support SGWASA’s projects in motion. 


- I-85 Sanitary Sewer Project: This project is underway, with the 90% design anticipated to be received before Christmas.

- Lead & Copper Project: Engineering teams have concluded the first phase of research and preparatory planning. Teams will soon begin phase two of the Lead & Copper Project. The completion deadline for this project is October 2024- we are on schedule.

- PFAS: The EPA recently reduced its health advisory levels for PFOA and PFOS from 70 parts per trillion to interim levels of 0.004 and 0.02 parts per trillion. The authority has prioritized upgrading SGWASA's treatment facility to align with the EPA’s updated regulations, testing, and processing methods.

Pictured from left to right: Mayor Pro-Tem Georgana Kicinski - SGWASA Board Vice-Chair, Commissioner Jimmy Gooch - SGWASA Board Chair, Representative Frank Sossamon, Representative Matthew Winslow, Commissioner Tim Karan - SGWASA Board Member

SGWASA Board Chair, Jimmy Gooch, expressed gratitude for Representative Frank Sossamon and Representative Matthew Winslow’s leadership throughout the allocation process. “We can continue to provide safe and reliable water and quality sewer services to our customers, while expanding to meet our future demands.” Said Gooch.

Representative Sossamon communicated support for SGWASA’s project plan. “I know it’s the goal of South Granville Water and Sewer Authority to provide the very best water and sewer services in the state. It’s equally Representative Matthew Winslow and my [Representative Frank Sossamon] objective to work with municipalities across Granville County and water and sewer authorities to secure funding, as well as any other services that will make that goal possible. This 5-million-dollar appropriation check will go a long way in the development of the authority’s system, but we won’t stop there. We’ll continue to make additional requests for funding so needed upgrades can be made and timely expansions can be realized due to the continued growth of South Granville. I can say without reservation that it’s an honor to represent Granville County.” 

The South Granville Water & Sewer Authority plans to host an interactive project tour exhibit, provide regular updates through a dedicated web module, give update presentations, and disseminate communication publications to keep the community abreast of the project developments. Granville County residents are also invited to attend SGWASA’s regular General Board Meetings, held in Butner Town Hall on the second Tuesday of each month, for monthly updates from SGWASA’s Engineering department and contracted consultants.

Representative Matthew Winslow shared comment on the importance of the project funding and the project objectives. “Infrastructure is always a priority for us and we asked for this funding on your behalf to assist in two ways. One way is to help with the cost of increasing SGWASA's capacity due to the area's growing population. The other way is to help with upgrades and new treatments for PFOA/PFOS contaminants to ensure the community continues to have clean water.” 

“On a recent project update call, Hazen & Sawyer Consultant, John Sorrel, praised SGWASA for getting ahead of the upcoming EPA guideline modifications and Lead & Copper rule revision deadlines. SGWASA’s Board took an aggressive approach at researching the current project scopes and providing support for successful project completion planning. This money represents the great bipartisan relationship we have among our board and the great working relationship with our Representatives. This money represents the great bipartisan relationship we have among our board and the great working relationship with our Representatives.  This money will help SGWASA move forward with improvements to an aging system.  This money also allows us to move forward without putting the cost on the backs of our customers.  The leadership at SGWASA has made great strides in prioritizing the needs of our customers.  With extreme costly federal regulations looming this money will help us greatly to provide the best product we can. I am very grateful to the legislators responsible for getting this money to us.” Commissioner Georgana Kicinski stated.

SGWASA’s Strategic Plan outlines a commitment to excellence and the mission to provide quality services. These components drive the Authority’s push for progress and guarantee of sustained betterment initiatives that respond to evolving utility needs.  

Issued 12/5/23 by the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority 

Krystle Lee, PIO/Board Secretary


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