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Lead & Copper Rule Revision Survey

Updated: Nov 23, 2024

SGWASA is focused on protecting the health of every household in our community. This notice contains important information about your drinking water that is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). You are required to share this information with anyone who drinks and/or cooks using water at this property. In addition, property managers are required to post and share with residents and tenants, as applicable. 

As part of our Lead and Copper Compliance Program, SGWASA is working to identify service line materials through- out the water system. As a result of records review and/or field verification, we have determined that either all or a portion of the water pipe (called a service line) that connects your property to the water main is made from unknown material, with the material possibly being lead or galvanized pipe. 

Learn more about the Lead & Copper Rule Revision project by visiting the one of the following information pages:

To help determine the material of your service line and submit the information to us via an online survey, please scan this QR code and follow the instructions on the interactive map: 

To access our online service line material inventory map 


Issued 11/22/24 by the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority 

Krystle Lee, PIO/Board Secretary/Webmaster

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