Strategic Plan
The South Granville Water and Sewer Authority implemented a Strategic Plan that guides the Authority as it responds to the evolving utility needs of its customers and affiliates.
The Strategic Plan articulates areas of strategic focus which target the Utility’s efforts and resources in ways intended to have the greatest impact upon the four key focus areas outlined.
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Strategic Plan Purpose
The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to create a shared vision throughout the Utility and to align its efforts to achieve the mission and long-term goals. The shared vision enables all employees to understand the Utility’s destination – “To be a superior utility service provider that contributes to the success of the region.” ​
The alignment of Utility’s resources enables employees to understand the actions required to achieve this standard. These actions are derived from the Objectives contained in this plan, which support the Strategies, Long Term Goals and Mission. The Strategic Plan will align all the business units’ programs and activities around the vision and mission, and it will enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability in all areas of service delivery.
The Strategic Plan will assist with:
Ensuring decisions are presented in the context of the larger picture captured in the strategic plan.
Developing operational objectives.
Providing the Board and management with a communications tool for informing stakeholders about SGWASA’s purpose, direction, and progress.
Promoting forward-thinking.

SGWASA’s Board of Directors provides the vision and leadership for the Utility’s strategic planning efforts. The Strategic Plan’s four key focus areas reflect the chief components that support the current and future identity and character of the Utility. The Strategic Plan contains utility-wide objectives and initiatives needed to support the four key focus areas.
Under the leadership of SGWASA’s Executive Director, employees will direct resources and work efforts toward meeting and supporting the Strategic Plan’s objectives and initiatives, based on the priority timelines in place. A key component in achieving the objectives and initiatives within the timelines established, relies heavily on the funding of Strategic Plan initiatives.
Strategic Plan Financing
Strategic planning is the process of identifying where you want you want to be in the future and then outlining the steps to get there. However, you can't get where you want to go unless you have the financial resources to execute your vision. Financial planning is the process of connecting your financial operations with your big picture strategy.
Review Cycle
As the utility business environment is constantly changing due to many factors, including economic pressures, customer service demands, community growth, and increased regulatory issues, just to name a few, a Strategic Plan should not be considered a static document. A Strategic Plan should be considered a dynamic document, thus reflecting modifications in goals and related objectives to meet the ever-changing business environment. Therefore, it is important to establish a strategic plan review cycle. The minimum Strategic Plan review cycle suggested for SGWASA is annually.
Furthermore, the Strategic Plan review period should be well in advance of the next fiscal year’s budget preparation, which normally starts in December/January. Therefore, based on these controls, a suggested annual Strategic Review date would be in October, thus providing the Board and the Administration the ability to incorporate any cost-related initiatives related to the Strategic Plan in the next fiscal year budget.
Summary Strategic Plan Review:
Target Review Period: Annually
Target Review Month: October